Acupressure is a therapeutic discipline of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Tui-Na is the medical massage in traditional Chinese Medicine. Far Eastern medicine views the human being holistically as body, mind, soul and maybe more. If the energy in a person is flowing harmoniously, he or she is healthy.
To release blockages, points on the energy pathways can be stimulated. In acupressure, these points are stimulated with the hands without needles. The points are held, gently pressed or massaged. This loosening manipulation together with the general medical Tui-Na massage allows the energy to flow freely again.
Here are the most important areas of application in which acupressure has a wide range of effects.
Back, shoulder and neck complaints
Headaches and migraines, especially chronic and resistant to treatment
Digestive problems
Menstrual problems
Anxiety, depression, nervousness, fatigue and sleeping problems.
On the quiet river the bank is full of trees,
Chinese proverb
Acupressure & Tui-Na Massage
Duration: 40min
Price: 50 CHF
8er Abo: 380 CHF